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Energy Efficiency E-Newsletter

The City of Fairfax Energy Efficiency E-Newsletter is a no-cost technical assistance service that provides technical, business, research, and information assistance quickly and easily.

To register and access the City of Fairfax Energy Efficiency E-Newsletter click on the following link:

If you are a commercial/industrial contractor or applicant for a rebate and have questions, you are welcome to contact Doug Eli with Frontier Energy at 763-222-3039 or by email

Beginning April 15, 2021, we would like to request all residential customers to apply for their residential rebates in our new online portal.

  • Visit the following link to begin this process.
  • If you applied for any rebates for your home in a paper format prior to April 15, 2021, no further action is needed from your end.
  • For any questions, please call or email:  Doug Eli