Citizen Business Recruitment Program
The Fairfax Economic Development Authority (EDA) seeks to drive business recruitment and retention within the City of Fairfax. The Citizen Business Recruitment Program is designed to provide direct incentives for citizens who actively recruit a new business to Fairfax.
Program Guidelines:
- The EDA funding will be on an ongoing basis to provide cash incentives to eligible applicants.
- A cash incentive of $1,000 is offered to eligible applicants (individuals or a group is considered one applicant) per successful referral of new businesses.
- The referred business must locate from outside of Fairfax city limits into Fairfax city limits.
- Business expansions or relocations within Fairfax city limits are not eligible.
- Commercial and industrial businesses are accepted and eligible referral businesses.
- Home-based businesses and other non-traditional commercial or industrial businesses are generally ineligible.
- The referred business must open and remain open for a period of six (6) consecutive months before incentive payout is considered.
- Due to the wide and varied business types which may be attracted the EDA reserves the right to evaluate all claims under this program on a case by case basis to determine eligibility.
Eligibility of Applicants:
- Applicants are generally considered to be residents of Fairfax and the surrounding Fairfax area.
- Applicants may not have a business interest or economic interest in the property wherein the business is to locate or with the business itself. Generally speaking; real estate agents, owners of vacant/saleable/rentable property where the business is locating, investors, and other such interested parties are ineligible for the program.
Application Review:
The EDA will review applications on a first come, first serve basis. Applications will be reviewed and vetted to ensure applicants are the true originators of the referral. Successful applicants will be notified, in writing, of their award/rejection after final decision is made.